“How can you be a Republican, Tommy when your not rich and your just a working man?” If I only had a nickel for every time I have been asked that question.  You see there is such a common misconception of what a Republican stands for and maybe it is rightly so. Maybe throughout history we have been to quick to jump on the anti labor train. Maybe we have been to fast to only worry about what the business owners think.  I want to let you know that as a Conservative Republican I believe that the only way to be is Pro workforce. Think about it like this, a business owner who takes care of their employees will quickly learn that those employees will take care of them.  They will enjoy their work more. They will be more productive, less costly, and in the end profits will be higher. If you will look at some of the most successful businesses in America you will find that those particular business take care of their employees with good wages and good benefits.  I hope the Republican party will get on board and understand that the average working man and woman in the trenches of the jobs are conservative by nature. They are like us. We need to make sure to include them. To reach out to them.  I hear national leaders say we need to broaden our approach and quickly followed by talks of amnesty or more accepting to gay marriage but I say “WAKE UP”. To broaden our base all we need to do is reach out and welcome the working class Americans in to our platform. Focus on them. Show them that our policies make their lives better.  I will continue to fight for the rights of all the folks of the third district but want to give 3 cheers to those working folks that are responsible for making America work.people