Conservative Values 101: 2nd Amendment

As I sit here writing this post, I am under extreme frustration with what is going on around us in our Country. Is it just me or does it seem that everyday that passes we stand in awe at another scheme from the communists to tear down everything that my grandfather fought for in WWII. That our ancestors fought for in the Revolutionary war.  I just see that this nation has turned a new page even in the short time I have been here on this earth. We have gone from fighting over which economic plan is the best way forward for creating jobs, standing up to terrorism to now fighting for the most sacred document ever written, 2nd only to the Holy Bible, our Constitution. It seems that the communist politicians in Washington care nothing about it anymore. We have went from electing noble statesmen to serve in a citizen legislature to choosing between the lesser of the two evils: Communist or Socialist. They have been brought up from the time they were born to be groomed for their positions. Compromising anything they would have ever stood for to be bought by the money.

I am only one man but I want to do as much as I can with the opportunities that God has blessed me with to stand up for what our founding fathers built here. I will be introducing 3 resolutions at the county commission meeting coming up on Feb 11. They are a package of Pro Gun resolutions. Some on the commission will argue that this is a federal issue but I beg to differ. I say that we must take a stand from the Courthouse to the White House that we will not sit idle while our Constitution is being spat upon.

One of the Resolutions is the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. To summarize it basically says we find all laws that are contrary to the United States Constitution null and void. We will do all we can to make sure that they are not enforced in our county.

Another is the Keeping Morgan County Safe Act. This resolution encourages every law abiding citizen in Morgan County to keep and bear arms for ensure their safety from criminals.

The last resolution calls for an end to the gun free zone here at our courthouse. This allows for the employees of the courthouse to be armed in case someone were to criminally open fire at them inside their prospective office. We should not restrict someone’s right to protect themselves just because they work in the assessor’s office or register of deed and so forth.

We hope to garner enough support for these resolutions that they will pass and Morgan County Tennessee will be known for being a Pro 2nd Amendment beacon on a hill.

Keep Morgan County Safe Act

2nd Amendment Preservation Act

Abolish Gun Free Zones