It is budget time in Morgan County and we have many issues ahead of us in the near future.  This will be an update on where we are and where we are going with the county budget.  I realize that our nation is facing a huge issue with the debt ceiling debate that can have a huge impact on our economy but the ever present reality of a large tax increase here in Morgan County will have a direct impact on your wallet. For those of you who have read the paper this past week you have found out that the budget committee (Susie Kries, Randy Roberts, Fred Snow, Sue Duncan, Vernon Justes, Lucy Freytag) has a budget that could increase taxes as much as .25 to .31 cents above the state certified tax rate which is set at 2.85.  They say there is nothing else they can do.  They say that they need help.  We have had the highest tax rate in East TN for a while and the 8th highest tax rate in the state.  I do not feel we need a tax increase at all. I have been working diligently over the past few weeks to come up with a plan that will balance the budget without a tax increase.  With the help of the input of some concerned citizens, there has been a balanced budget developed that is called “The Taxpayer Plan”. This plan balances the budget without a tax increase.

Let me just skim some of the reasons that “The Taxpayer Plan” had to be such a plan to begin with. First we must get a grip on where we are.  With the discussed tax increase of .25 cents you will NOT receive an increase. There will not be an increase of patrol cars in your neighborhoods or an increase of ambulances responding to emergencies.  What you do get is a larger tax bill to pay for living in Morgan County.  Why is this the case? The revenues have fallen sharply over the past year.  The recession has caught up with us.  This however is not the entire problem. Our budget increased nearly one million dollars from 6.6 million dollars in 2009/2010 to 7.5 million dollars in 2010/2011.  Once again you did not receive an increase of services for this extra spending.

Now here were are trying to come up with a budget for Morgan County for this current year 2011/2012.  I am including “The Taxpayer Plan” as an attachment.  You will be able to see the sharp contrast in our approach and the approach of the budget committee.  Some of the high notes of “The Taxpayer Plan” are: a balanced budget,    no tax increase,  no decrease in services, county employee bonuses $500/$1000, no layoffs, 2009/2010 spending levels for most budgets others cut 7%, reduces pay for commissioners, no mileage for commissioners(do you get paid to drive to work, then why should we).  During tough economic times we are all forced to cut back at home I feel that government should be no different.  We should tighten our belt as much as we can.

I would hope that after reviewing “The Taxpayer Plan” you would support it and contact your commissioners and let them know how you feel. We must act now to avoid a tax increase that will affect each and every household in this county.  Please contact your commissioners and ask them to support “The Taxpayer Plan”.  There will be a budget committee meeting on Thursday, July 28th, at 6 pm at the courthouse in Wartburg. I will be giving a presentation on “The Taxpayer Plan” and would hope that everyone would come and show your support.

As always please contact me and let me know your concerns and questions whether you support “The Taxpayer Plan” or you do not. Let me know.  865-776-1146.  You can find out more at

To view the budget spread sheet click The Taxpayer Plan To view the power point click The Taxplayer Plan powerpoint

Tommy Lee Francis

Morgan County Commissioner, 3rd District Wartburg