At the June 27th Morgan County commission meeting the disdain from the county commissioners toward the public reached a new low. Some of the commissioners (Randy Roberts – Coalfield, Lucy Freytag – Wartburg) got up and walked out while the citizens were trying to give their input which was extremely rude and several others rolled their eyes and make snide remarks under their breath. The ever growing frustrations that the community has seen over the past year continued in a very abrupt way. As the county Executive had opened the floor for discussion on the possibility of reducing the size of the commission it was clear that the commissioners were very much against the thought of giving up their commission seats. As we tried to pass a redistricting committee that the County Executive had proposed the majority of the commission immediately took reservation with the absence of some of the committee members that they had put on the committee that were not on the proposed list. These were former commissioners that had lost their bids for re-election but had still been placed on the committee. With outspoken comments from the taxpayers against the idea of putting people on these committees that they had essentially FIRED from the commission, the courtroom was filled with frustration. Never fear oh wise ones, the commission will never let the opposing voice of the taxpayer stand in the way of a good vote for one of their cronies. But this was only the beginning not only did the commission put one person on the committee that had been FIRED they put two. The disgust didn’t stop there. As the subject turned from the committee to the size of the commission they had only just begun. When the floor was open for citizens input the commission (Lucy Freytag) called for the question on a motion by Randy Roberts to keep 18 commissioners. This was a tactical move by the commission so that they did not have to listen to the comments of the taxpaying citizens that were in favor of a reduced more leaner government. They had shared concerns of having more commissioners governing them than they had deputies protecting them. This is one of the worst cases of politicians snubbing their noses to what their constituents want since OBAMACARE. Yes it is almost as if most of the Morgan County Commission drink a big glass of D.C. juice before each meeting or maybe even take plays from the OBAMA playbook. Without reservation and only myself, Don Edwards, and the courtroom full of citizens speaking against 18 county commissioners, the commission passed this with a 17-1 majority. The commission also passed the spending of another $19,000. that will essentially turn into at least a half a million dollars that will have to be borrowed (which means tax increase) The incredible thing is the $19,000 that they voted to spend will go to an architect company that will not even give us blue prints in return for the money. I don’t know about all those other commissioners but I sure can’t afford to be giving anyone $19,000 and not even get simple blue prints in return. We voted on having to move money from the county commission budget to pay for a new computer for the Executive’s office because the previous Executive (Becky Ruppe) took the computer with her when she left. I agree with Lucy Freytag that this is not acceptable that we have to pay for that computer out of the commission budget. To address the issue of paying the industrial board $55,000 that Commissioner (Kay Johnson) says is to work on roofs. I would like to ask Commissioner Johnson where the industrial board has spend their money? Well it just so happens I have the answer to this. Over the last few years your tax dollars that was set aside for this industrial board was being paid to Becky Ruppe, Lisa Rutherford (Becky’s Assistant), and Ashley Ruppe (Becky Ruppe’s daughter) among other things (all these records and financial statements can be found in Gary Howard’s office in the courthouse)( not saying anything illegal was done, just doesn’t look good in my opinion). Not to mention that the money for the industrial board was transferred over to them 10 days before Becky Ruppe was recommended to be the Executive Director which was approx $53,000(the board falls under the sunshine law) Along with over $7,000. in phone expenses over a span of 18 months (these records can be found at the industrial board). That is nearly $400 a month in phone expenses. Hmmm who all around here has an almost $400 a month phone expense. To our dismay the Industrial Board whom Becky Ruppe nominated and the commission confirmed and whom hired her when she was FIRED by Morgan County voters consists of several immediate family members of the county commissioners. Tim Johnson (Kay Johnson’s husband) Mr. Roberts (Randy Roberts’ father). I don’t know about you but I feel that may be a conflict of interest. Folks the bottom line is there are several issues at work here in Morgan County but the biggest one is while the you the taxpayer are out working hard to earn a dollar and feed your family, the majority of the county commissioners are working hard to ensure they spend enough money to justify a tax increase to take away that money that you make. The basic principles of the platform differences are really coming to a head here in this county. We have a half a million dollar deficit this year and you have this commission that refuses to cut spending. You have myself, Don Edwards, and the Citizens standing up for lower taxes, a smaller more efficient government, and a government that works for you the people. On the other hand you have folks who snub the citizens at every pass and want to spend until there is no more folks left to pay the bills in the county. I ask you to keep your commissioners accountable. Please contact them and tell them that your not going to take it anymore. The time is now to take your government back here in Morgan County. If you have any questions please contact me at 865-776-1146. Thank you.