• ProLife: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee”  Jeremiah 1:5a. Life begins at conception and I believe that God breathes life into EVERY individual.
  • ProGun:  As a Commissioner I will fight to make sure our 2nd Amendment right is not watered down        with regulation. As a gun owner I believe we all have the not only the right but the duty to protect ourselves and our family at all times.
  • ProTraditional Marriage:  Although some will say this does not affect us on a local level, I shall respectfully disagree. For I believe it matters who governs and also believe we should have Conservative leaders from our house to the White House.
  • Transparent Government: This is something I may need to explain just a bit.  I believe in the United States Constitution and know that the government works for the people.  It is not right for government to do business behind closed doors.  As a Commissioner it is my goal to make sure that Morgan County government stays Transparent.  One tool to use will be my website where I will be able to post things that go on.  I think everyone in this county should know what goes on during the Commission meetings. To make sure our Elected Officials conduct business with the upmost integrity.
  • Lower Taxes: In Morgan County we have one of the highest tax rates in Tennessee and to me that is just unacceptable. The wheel Tax is an issue that will be coming up again.  In a time when unemployment is high and pay is low. I don’t believe its a time to start imposing new taxes but rather a time to ensure people are able to keep more of their own money. I know that the people are smarter with their money than the government is.
  • Pro – Small Business/Jobs:  The backbone of our community and our county is small business.  We do not need to see our Small Business sink just because of the status quo.  I want our children to prosper, get an education and come back to Morgan County to give back all the knowledge and vision that we gave them.  As leaders we must not only focus on bringing in new business but make sure that we can give them a place to succeed when they get here.  We have so much going for us in Morgan County on the Economic front it is lying at our feet just waiting for us to tap into.  According to the Census Bureau we have over 1200 small businesses in this county. We need to encourage those businesses to work together and give them the tools to do so.

As a Conservative I can say the usual Pro – Life, Pro – Gun, Pro – Traditional marriage rhetoric that you are used to hearing from career politicians who tickle our ears with pretty talk. With me it goes so much deeper than words.  For so long polititcians haved pushed this stuff down our throats and held it over our heads so that we will flock to them like sheep.  I say to you my fellow Christians, Americans, Tennesseans, and citizens of Morgan County that if a politician tells me and you that they are a pro life candidate then I want to see them introduce legislation that is pro life.  Even if it gets defeated.  We want folks to stand up for what they believe in with a little less talk and a lot more action.

We the People have a challenge ahead of us to make sure we instill into our children the same values that our grandfathers fought to protect throughout history.  To not let our government get out of control.  We need to get back to the citizen legislature and not the career politician.  Click on my plan to read more about my vision for Morgan County’s future.